Fresh Paint, Clean Paint!

October 30, 2015

– Realization #2

It has been most of 4 weeks since my painting trip to Dutch Mountain. The afternoon and evening sun was just as dramatic.

These days I find myself pressed to paint. I want and need to paint! Keep in mind that, I have several circuses to manage here daily, so painting is not always the priority.   Yes, I could be pressed by a deadline, but i try not to dwell on that.  I am also a bit more selective on what is the exciting prompt for choosing my next subject.  (See Reflection #1)

The key here is Clean, Fresh paint.

I am also very keen on establishing a pigment wash to establish a feel for how the painting will fit on a panel.  I start by painting the shapes and wiping out my lights in undertones of cool or warm tone sequence mixed primarily from cadmium red light and quinacridone rose.  These are somewhat transparent and allow light to reflect as warm or cool.  The undertones set the pace for my painting.  Then I gradually build into the layers of colors and values.

20151029_190131 blue and violets

The trick is to build up the colors without quickly making mud on a small 6×6 art panel.  I start by painting a thin color coat of the local colors.  For a landscape that means mixing and painting the sky first. Then I generally lay in my next layer of cooler shadows in values of blues and violet tones to establish depth and shadow forms.

Next, I check my progression and mix for the next layer of warmer lights. Color harmony is very important and adds a dynamic balance to most of my paintings.  For this painting I chose warm earth structures and cool ground shadows.  After establishing my shadow I added yellow tint to all the lights sparkling on the rocks and highlights.  I try to mix my paint values and check them as I go, before adding the next layer of light and forms.  If it doesn’t match or fit with the harmony I take off, remix and match new color.

20151030_102118 blue violet yellows

Greens are much more challenging.  I generally try to establish greenery by simply scrubbing in loose greens and lemon yellows over the blue and violet patches.  Then check for balance in contrast to finalize the atmosphere, highlights, shadows and rugged surface.  Soon after, I begin adding the last few pieces, building up to the brights and final highlights.


Clean paint is integral to all good painting. Be sure to know your color ranges and mixtures.  Clean paint is important to establishing the mood of a painting.  It is critical to preserving reflected light within the painting. Fresh clean strokes quickly establish atmosphere, depth, and volume of a painting through a tight space.

The important thing to remember is start clean, work clean, paint clean before you know it you will have beautiful color harmonies.

Fresh Beets!

January 6, 2014

Fresh Beets!

Fresh Beets!  6x6 2014_01_06

Fresh Beets! 6×6 2014_01_06

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Best way to get your daily vegetables – paint them!
Today, I focused on simplifying my brush strokes to get more expressive paint movements.  I set up a cool shadow warm light sequence.  I pushed in loose lights with pure yellows to establish the brightness. Then loosely worked in my shape zones.

No I did not count every brush stroke.  I did focus on effective color harmonies and working with my larger 1/2 filbert brush.
I absolutely love this painting!   It feels so fresh and lush.

Airplane Gardens

October 30, 2013

Airplane Garden 6x6

Airplane Garden 6×6 2013_10_29

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My recent adventures yielded a new Airplane plant with lots of happy baby shoots.   I have the perfect balcony niche for it to drape over.

I noticed it nestled into the evening shadows after sunset.  The low light offered a nice opportunity to play with lost shapes and edges as well as colors.  So I moved my Easy-L out on to the landing and started painting.  I enjoyed pushing paint and working out color shifts.  I love defining the shapes of wisps and floating tendrils with playful brushwork.
It was a fun stretch for daily painting.